Lifeguarding Academy

Different Levels of CPR

Find the occupation that you’re looking to get certified for and click on the title to be taken to the right course for you.

Below information was collected from surveys conducted by the academy and is intended only for information purposes. The only way to be completely sure what level of first aid or CPR you need is to ask the association that is requiring you to get certified in it.

Standard First Aid & CPR-C

This course is the most complete level of First Aid & is always coupled with CPR level C. Standard First Aid (SFA for short) includes training on how to do CPR & choking techniques on adults, children and infants as well as how to utilize the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).
Additionally in the SFA course, candidates learn how to deal with life-threatening circulatory and respiratory emergencies, burns, facial injuries, internal and external major bleeds, environmental emergencies, bone and joint injuries, seizures, diabetes, ribs and chest cavity related injuries, spinal and head injuries, poisoning, and critical incident stress.

Emergency First Aid & CPR-B

Emergency First Aid is the less intensive level of first aid. This course is only 6-8 hours long and usually comes hand in hand with CPR level B. In this level, candidates learn how to perform CPR on adults and children as well as how to rescue adults and children when they are choking. In addition to CPR and choking techniques, candidates learn how to treat circulatory & respiratory emergencies as well as burns and facial injuries.
Surprisingly enough, occupations that do not seem to require first aid, do in fact need to be trained in the emergency level. A few examples of these occupations are listed below:

Health Care Provider CPR

The term HCP itself stands for Health Care Professional and thus all our health care professionals are required to hold a current HCP certification. While this level of CPR is wildly similar to CPR-C, there are a number of advanced techniques such as a modified jaw thrust for spinal injured victims and the two-thumb CPR for infants. Additionally candidates get trained on how to properly use the Bag Valve Mask device (BVM) instead of manual mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing techniques.


Almost no occupations require only CPR A, B, or C. However some regulatory licensing bodies or schools require their licensees & students to renew their CPR every year as part of their licensing requirements. Please contact your respective regulatory body to inquire about which level of CPR you need to be certified in.

Foot note:

Circulatory Emergencies Include:
Shock, Heart Attack & Angina, Stroke and transient strokes, as well as internal and external major bleedings.

Respiratory Emergencies Include:
Asthma & Hyperventilation.

Facial Injuries Include:
Eye, ear, nose, and mouth injuries.

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